Pink faced and feeling so happy to be running with my dear friend, @margaretfloydbarry in her beautiful New England town just outside of Boston. What a gorgeous day too! My heart is full 🥰 ...

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Wet & Chilly at the track tonight, but we got it done! We encourage, support, and lift each other up. These badass ladies make running fun! They are my people and I love them! ...

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Some people call it chronic cardio, we call it soul filling fun with multiple benefits! Nourishment for the body, mind, and soul! I love being with strong, upbeat, positive, badass women who run fast, run long, AND lift heavy 💪 too!!! Plus do a multitude of other amazing things for work and play!

Thanks for sharing these allergen/sensitivity friendly treats made by your friends @redplatefoods in Bend, Oregon, @laura.coleman27 ! And oh my goodness, @portlandcarol - you could totally open your own allergen friendly bakery- these gluten free ginger snaps were incredible! 😋

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Snow day! ☃️❄️🐕🐶 ...

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✨7-Day Love Challenge ♥️ 

Happy Valentine’s Day! May you feel the love I’m sending each of you right now. ❤️

This gorgeous handmade card was lovingly created by my dear friend, @danielle.tomich. It was personally delivered with a beautiful gluten free cupcake that almost looked like the one on the card! As a cupcake lover here, I gobbled it up with delight before realizing I forgot to take a photo of it. It was scrumptious. Homemade is always the best, especially when love is one of the main ingredients.

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✨7-Day Love Challenge ♥️ 

🎶🎤 “We are f-a-m-i-l-y!” 🎶🎤

I love my family so much! My husband, Tony; our sons, Nicholas, Jacob, and Zachary; our daughters-in-law, Sarah; our fur babies Rosie & Theo, and across the rainbow bridge, Casper who I don’t have a digital photo of, Starlight, Shadow, and Cooper; my parents and siblings, Kelly, Patrick, and Christopher; and my mother-in-law, Louise. So many wonderful times as well as chaos and challenging times too, yet love binds and prevails. ❤️

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✨7-Day Love Challenge ♥️

This is in honor of my first patient as a volunteer in hospice care. His precious soul is no longer of this world but I will never forget him and he will always have a place in my heart. He taught me about being present, appreciation of the smallest things, patience, & so much more. Remembering him reminds me not to take anything or anyone for granted.

He was in memory care. His wife told me all about what an incredible life they had before he got sick. He was well loved.

His wife shared with me that he enjoyed KitKat bars. I asked her if I could bring a bar on my weekly visits. She agreed and remarked in jest, ”he remembers that there are 4 segments, so if you want some too, bring extra.”

As a fellow chocolate lover, I marveled at how much he appreciated every single bite of that bar. He looked at it, chewed it slowly, savoring every bit of it. He expressed its deliciousness with “mmmm”.

He sometimes spoke a word or two and on a rare occasion he’d speak an entire sentence. When looking at a large picture book of horses together, pointing to a little foal, he surprised me with “oh look at that little guy!” What a joy witnessing his enthusiasm.

I’d play his favorite music & toss a balloon with him. He’d sometimes drum the balloon to the music & would “dance” with his eyebrows. So magical.

At times, I’d take him on to the patio & blow bubbles. He marveled at them with wonder & delight..

Other times I brought out a tongue drum that he’d enjoy drumming with me. I savor those beautiful moments.

People often ask me how I can be a hospice volunteer. They ask, “isn’t it sad”? Of course it is sad but I choose to look at it differently. To me it’s incredibly fulfilling to just be with a person & see them as a magnificent being. To show respect for their dignity and to appreciate them. To show them that they matter. Also, a big part of a hospice volunteer’s work is to support the patient’s family and caregivers. My work can give them a much needed break. I get to come to the patient fresh, with no agenda. I get to just be with them, comfort them, & when it’s appropriate, entertain them. And most meaningfully, to share my love.

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✨ 7-Day Love Challenge ❤️

I appreciate my strong resilient body so I can be active and do cool things with those I love. So many magical moments with so many precious people who I adore! Thank you for sharing special and often physically challenging (in a good way) times with me. I love you! 💕

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@jennifermshaffer’s ✨7-Day Love Challenge ♥️

These two! Rosie & Theo! They bring boundless love into our everyday lives. They are so precious, so fun, so sweet and loving.

I’m so grateful that I get to be their fur mom. They bring me many magical moments and joy and appreciation. They force me to become present - and yes, I need that reminder.

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IT’S DUMPLING WEEK at @porquenotaqueria until February 15th! 😋🥟🪇💃

Their “dumpling” is actually a delicious flaky masa empanada filled with spicy housemade chorizo, queso fresco and roasted Anaheim & poblano peppers, served with roasted salsa verde and a chile de arbol-lime crema. I got mine à la carte with a side of their yummy roasted winter veggies. Incredibly satisfying!

My family and I have been fans for many years. We especially appreciate how ¿Por Qué No? prioritizes sustainable and ethical sourcing for its ingredients. For example, their chicken is vegetarian-fed, humanely raised, and free of antibiotics or hormones. Their fish dishes, such as Alaskan cod, is wild and line-caught. Additionally, their corn tortillas are made fresh on site, and they use locally sourced pork from Oregon’s Carlton Farms.

We also appreciate how ¿Por Qué No? treats its employees, offering medical and dental insurance, and other benefits and is very supportive of our wider community.

Have you been? This is their Hawthorne location- notice the beautiful new bright patio? It has heaters so it’s perfectly warm during the colder months!

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@jennifermshaffer’s 7-Day Love Challenge (see challenge below my caption)

This is me and my Dad! I remember the moment when I looked out of our apartment window, and experienced the wonder of my first snow! I remember building that snowman ☃️ with my dad and putting on that carrot 🥕 nose! I love that memory and I love my dad! I’m so grateful for that magical memory and that my dad is still around for me to talk to on this magnificent planet - even if he’s across the country from me! My mom shared this photo with me among many other treasured pictures last summer. There was a little dusting of snow on Mount Tabor this morning where I did a stair workout with dear friends. I thought about this picture and have been waiting for the right time to share it! Thanks for lovely prompt and challenge, Jennifer!

I copied @jennifermshaffer’s challenge below so you can do it too! Tag her, then me. And be sure to go check out her work and podcast!

From Jennifer:

“I invite you to join me in a 7-Day Love Challenge:
Each day, find something to fall in love with. A moment, a memory, a person, or even a part of yourself.) Let’s take the love we hold in our hearts—the unspent love for those we’ve lost-and pour it into ourselves and others.

As someone once said, “Grief is all the unspent love we carry for those we’ve lost.”

• So let’s give that love a place to go.
Let’s turn it into kindness, connection, and new memories.

In seven days, it will be Valentine’s Day. And by the time we reach it, you’ll have filled yourself with so much love that it won’t just be about one day-it will be a love that lasts every day.

Tag me and share what you fall in love with each day. Let’s fill this week with light, healing, and love.

#7DayLoveChallenge #LoveOverLoss #FindingLoveEverywhere #newmemories #love #valentinesday #loveyourself “

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After a cross training stair + workout at Mount Tabor in Portland, my friends and I stopped for coffee at this incredible place @coquine_market_cafe. I forgot to take a photo of the actual coffee bar and fresh baked goodies + menu items available then but I did get some photos of the awesome market items they offer. Lots of local foods/gift items + simply great goods from around the world, but what I especially loved to see is house made ferments, broths, sauces, ice cream and more! Additionally, fresh local greens and local quality sourced meats.

Can’t wait to return and also come for dinner!

@portlandcarol @schuler_tiffany @dori.olmsted

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I discovered @missionarychocolates when I had to avoid dairy for some gut healing so years ago. I can now tolerate good quality dairy but I also really love this awesome hand crafted artisan local chocolate made with organic coconut milk. I also adore the owner/creator, Melissa Berry, ND! She was super responsive and very sweet in our email exchange and then later when we my husband, Tony, and I met her in her 2712 NE Glisan Street store. She was working hard with her team, they were all quite busy! She even put together some gift boxes we hand selected for Valentine’s Day. She would fit in so well with my friend group of beautiful souls.

If you make a trip to the newly remodeled part of PDX airport, they have a little store in there outside of the security gates so you don’t even need to be flying to pick some up. Bonus: they always have samples!

My favorite: Spicy Cinnamon Chipotle Truffles! Have you tried them?

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Playing for the hell of it—because it’s fun—has psychological and physical benefits. It can relieve stress and also provide exercise in stress free situations. Play can be used as an indicator of individual well-being…

And, goofing off and having fun is a good way to avoid burning out....

There are many good reasons why goofing around has evolved, and why all animals should do it when they can. Why not have fun while you can?”

From the article: Goofing Off: Psychological & Physical Benefits of Having Fun | Playing “for the hell of it,” simply because it’s fun, is very important to do by Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

📷: Me and I believe my grandfather’s dog having fun!

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Joined together at the trailhead with these awesome women before we break off into pace groups (some walking/in recovery), and taking a moment to honor the legendary @shalaneflanagan who most of us have met and so greatly admire.

📷 credit: @laura.coleman27

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The start of our Saturday stairs workout ! We’ve got multiple sets of these great neighborhood stairs that go up the NW hills! Fantastic views and incredible energy from these lovely strong badass women I’m with! ...

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I can’t express how grateful I am to have so many wonderful people in my life. People who help me grow. People who encourage me, push me (in good ways), cheer me, and challenge me to shift my perspective. I’m just so happy and so thankful.

Today I had incredible 14 mile trail run as part of my 16 week marathon training plan. I’m so grateful that my friends split the run between them so I could have company the whole time. They each ran 7 miles with me. How lucky I am to have such awesome friends! Thank you, @schuler_tiffany & @laura.coleman27!!! I love you two and all our running friends!

Side note, I’ve been experimenting with Livewave phototherapy patches for performance and recovery. They have so many more benefits and I’ve been having my nutritional therapy clients try out some samples to in an effort to support their health goals. I’m so encouraged by my experience and from the feedback I’ve been receiving - improved mental clarity, pain relief, mood boosting, among other things. Using our body’s own infrared light is so intriguing and so is the research and countless testimonials. Plus it’s easy and fairly inexpensive. I’m excited about more long term benefits.

Curious if you have experience with these phototherapy patches?

Thanks again for the tips on using the patches for performance enhancement @speedsportscoach

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