Got Sleep? 11 + Ways To Make it Better

It pretty much sucks when you are exhausted and ready for sleep, but your brain is not. You lay there with thoughts running through your head — worrying about what you did or did not do, family members, money, your job, and all the things that you cannot control. Perhaps you go to sleep [...]

By |2024-12-27T13:49:33-08:00December 27th, 2024|Mindset, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Bringing the Healing Power of Nature Indoors | Indoor Plants Scientifically Proven to Filter Toxins

The Healing Power of Nature I’m certain our ancestors have always known, and I believe that each of us has the innate wisdom to know that nature is healing. If you are like me, the clean, fresh air of the seaside is invigorating, the sound of the waves, soothing, and the feel of the sand, [...]

By |2019-08-22T22:08:19-08:00August 22nd, 2019|Health & Beauty, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bringing the Healing Power of Nature Indoors | Indoor Plants Scientifically Proven to Filter Toxins

Are Your Personal Care Products Affecting Your Hormones & Your Metabolism?

In every Nutritional Therapy protocol I deliver is some version of this: check all personal & home care products & replace with safer versions. I recommend using The Environmental Working Group as a guide and wrote more about this subject here, back in 2014 (with updates): Hormones in our personal care products? . 🌱 I [...]

By |2018-08-11T13:31:15-08:00August 11th, 2018|Health & Beauty, News, Events & Media, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are Your Personal Care Products Affecting Your Hormones & Your Metabolism?

Is it mental health or physical health? What is the root cause?

Long and vulnerable post 🦋 Life’s challenges. Why is it that for some, it can take them down while others can rise strong from their experience(s)? I don’t need to tell you that mental health is complex and does not discriminate. We haven’t gotten it figured out yet, which is why we are mourning the [...]

By |2023-05-25T17:09:12-08:00June 6th, 2018|Mindset, News, Events & Media, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is it mental health or physical health? What is the root cause?

Stop The Self Sabotage and Heal Your Mind, Body, & Spirit

Clients come to me with their food journals and they are often pretty darn clean. They follow a real food lifestyle and they are perplexed that they aren't getting the results they hoped for. The biggest issues they are looking to resolve are: weight (and or fat) loss digestive issues autoimmune conditions blood sugar handling [...]

By |2023-05-25T17:12:01-08:00October 3rd, 2017|Mindset, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Emotional Release – Tapping & Emotional Freedom Technique

I cried my eyes out yesterday morning. It was a huge emotional release of worry and fear. I don’t need it anymore. It left my body. This worry and fear about something in particular was not serving me or my family. Worry and fear doesn’t serve you either and I hope if any negative emotion has [...]

By |2017-10-03T14:28:18-08:00October 3rd, 2017|Mindset, Nutrition and Lifestyle|Comments Off on Emotional Release – Tapping & Emotional Freedom Technique

Nourishing & Healing The Body, Brain (Soul & Spirit): Part 2

I've been thinking about my blog for some time now, I have been letting the drive of perfection let me get in the way and therefore, I have not been writing consistently! I wrote Nourishing & Healing the Body & Brain: Part 1 but not part 2 yet. I even talk about acceptance of imperfection in [...]

By |2017-10-03T15:21:49-08:00October 2nd, 2017|Mindset, Nutrition and Lifestyle|Comments Off on Nourishing & Healing The Body, Brain (Soul & Spirit): Part 2

Nourishing & Healing The Body & Brain: Part 1

Nutrition plays a significant role in overall health but I don’t have to tell you how complicated and confusing it is. I know, I’ve tried every diet out there for myself and my family. I was obsessed for way too long and it I believe that obsession made things worse for my mind, body, and [...]

By |2023-05-25T18:40:21-08:00October 2nd, 2017|Mindset, Nutrition and Lifestyle|2 Comments

Reiki and Nutritional Therapy – A Power Pair of Healing Therapies

What is Reiki?   Reiki, "universal life force energy,"  is a non-religion based complementary health approach that is practiced on oneself and also with others with the goal of facilitating the body’s own innate healing response to restoring physical and emotional well-being. It's classified by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health as energy medicine. In our busy, [...]

Inspiring Recovery Story from Nourishing Hope: Getting Your Hopes Up with Shamus

As the Project Manager of Community Development for Nourishing Hope, I was privileged in helping put together this remarkable story of hope, healing, and recovery for not only Shamus, who was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism, but for Anita his mother, and Kaitlyn, Shamus' little sister. To read the full story, please visit [...]

By |2016-12-30T21:20:11-08:00December 30th, 2016|Mindset, News, Events & Media, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Inspiring Recovery Story from Nourishing Hope: Getting Your Hopes Up with Shamus
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